Health Effects of EMF Radiation - Olle Johansson, PhD - by Ms Christine Zipps, as part of her "Listening2Reason, Fireside Chats".
Furthermore, Ph Olle Johansson has been participating in a huge number of fantastic interviews, very important video-based discussions, fabulous podcasts, radio programs, webinars, etc., but as he said : "I will not overstrain your computer by overloading it with all of them. However, I just have to send you three videos (all in English; together making up approx. 1 hour) produced by the lovely and amazing Ms Christine Zipps, as part of her "Listening2Reason, Fireside Chats": "
Health Effects of EMF Radiation - Olle Johansson, PhD - 1/3
Health Effects of EMF Radiation - Olle Johansson, PhD - 2/3
Health Impacts from EMF Radiation - Olle Johansson, PhD - 3/3