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AVAATE: Comunicado de Prensa 14 de mayo 2010. Informe sobre el Estudio Interphone: La industria y los gobiernos encubren las pruebas del riesgo de tumores cerebrales causados por el uso de teléfonos móviles

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Según Lloyd Morgan, autor principal del libro blanco "teléfonos celulares y tumores cerebrales: 15 razones para preocuparse, Ciencia, manipulación y la verdad detrás de Interphone" [5] "Esta información ha sobrepasado ya sus propios datos. Más retrasos en la dfusión de los demás datos son inaceptables. En mi opinión, todo el estudio Interphone se ha convertido en un fiasco escandaloso y caro".

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Interphone Study Design Flaws
by ElectromagneticHealth.Org
5 months ago 5 months ago: Thu, Dec 10, 2009 7:16pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)

Lloyd Morgan, B.Sc., lead author of the landmark report, "Cellphones and Brain Tumors: 15 Reasons for Concern", discusses the flaws in the Interphone study that render it unreliable as a gauge of risk of brain tumors from cell phones. The 11 design flaws grossly understimate the risk, and even still, the Interphone study, just pubished in the International Journal of Epidemiology, still shows statistically significant increased risk of brain tumors after 10 years of cellphone use. This is ominous because toxicants often take decades to show tumor risks, and we are seeing it at just 10 years. Cell phone usage rates in the Interphone study were just a fraction of cell phone usage rates today among adults and children alike. Finally, without explanation, results were not pubished for acoustic neuromas and salivary gland tumors which are the tumors closest to the ear against which one places the cell phone.